Billing & Accounts

Can I pay by Western Union?

Unfortunately, we do not offer the payment by Western Union or Money Transfer by bank. We accept payments via Credit Cards, Debit Cards, PayPal, Checks, And...

Can I pay multiple due invoices using a single transaction?

Yes, you can pay multiple invoices using a single transaction. Please follow below mentioned steps. Login to Client Area At Home page, under Overdue Invoices, you will...

Can I pay over the phone?

No, we do not accept payments over the phone.

Can a Coupon Code Discount Be Carried Forward While I Upgrade My VPS Account

No, coupon code discount can not be carried forward because they are different from plan-to-plan. However at the time of upgrading your account, if we...

Do you accept payment via PayPal?

Yes, we do accept payment via PayPal. But we only accept payment from Verified PayPal accounts only. We do not accept payment from Unverified PayPal accounts. Moreover, if you have...

How To Submit Credentials In Credential Form

1) Please login into your Client Area, Click on OPEN TICKET.                         2)  Choose...

Redeeming Loyalty Rewards

To redeem loyalty rewards, please open a ticket with billing by either e-mailing or at (choose the billing department). Available upgrades are listed...

Two-Factor Authentication on Your Account

Beginning on Wednesday, March 5, 2024 we will be requiring Two-Factor Authentication for all logins to your account. This is part of a phased roll-out...

Account Cancellation

Cancellations must be submitted at least 10 days prior to your next billing cycle or you may be charged for the next billing period.  All...

Automatic Payments

Payments are taken automatically from credit cards and PayPal accounts (with a billing agreement) we have on file as soon as an invoice is generated, 10...