cPanel/WHM Control Panel Guide

Migrate cPanel to Virtualmin

We can easily migrate a cPanel server account to a Virtualmin server running on any AKLWEB Host VPS. The following steps involve taking a full...

How do I reset my cPanel or WHM reseller password?

Log in to your Client Area >click on Services Tab > click on the required services you have. When you are under the Product Details tab...

How do I block visitors referred by a specific domain?

Add this code to your .htaccess file. Change input\.com to the domain you’re blocking. You will need a \ before the . RewriteCond %{HTTP_REFERER} input\.com...

Unable to create a DB in cPanel

If cPanel/MySQL not working correctly but mysql is working on the server run the following commands as root: #/scripts/mysqlup --force #/scripts/updatemysqlquota

I can’t connect to webmail or cpanel?

Your location is blocking the ports used for webmail and cpanel (2096 and 2083). You will not be able to use cPanel or webmail if...

I am not able to delete files from cPanel?

If you’re not able to delete files from cPanel and you get the following error message. Unable to change directory to /home/username/.trash! You do not...

I can’t create a database in phpMyAdmin

Databases need to be created in cPanel. You can then edit your database from phpMyAdmin. If you have created the database in cPanel and you...

phpMyAdmin access Denied

To fix an “Access Denied” error when trying to launch phpMyAdmin, reset your cpanel password Login to your account as you normally do and click...

PhpMyAdmin – Wrong username/password. Access denied.

If you logged in to your control panel but unable to run phpmyadmin and you get this error instead. (Wrong username/password. Access denied.) Here’s what...

How do I create a cron job in cPanel?

You can set the Cron job in the cpanel using the following instructions. To access the Cron Jobs Menu, click on the corresponding icon located...

How To Chang the Default PHP Version in cPanel

On cPanel servers with Easy Apache 4 (EA4) or later, it is possible for end users to select the version of PHP the domains or...

Changing the Default PHP Version in cPanel

On cPanel servers with Easy Apache 4 (EA4) or later, it is possible for end users to select the version of PHP the domains or...

Converting from EasyApache 3 to EasyApache 4

Important! EasyApache 3 was deemed completely end of life on 31 Dec 2018. Anyone using the latest version of cPanel has been migrated automatically to the...

How To Install SSL Certificate Into cPanel VIA Let’s Encrypted

Before get started to install Free SSL certificate on your domain, please make sure your DNS configuration is correct, if your DNS configuration is incorrect...

3 Ways to Prevent Email Abuse

Over 100 billion emails get sent per day. Everything from out-of-office alerts to billing summaries gets transferred across the web, from server to server. While...

cPanel Branding Basics: A Guide for Reseller Hosts

cPanel & WHM is a tool that has become synonymous with web hosting. However, while hosting providers around the world use this software to offer...