How to Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on Ubuntu

LAMP includes Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Ubuntu. This guide was written for Ubuntu 14.04. Step One: Install Apache Apache is a free open source software for...

Setup Nginx-RTMP on Ubuntu 14.04

RTMP is great for serving live content. When RTMP is paired with FFmpeg, streams can be converted into various qualities. AKLWEB HOST is great for these applications as...

Installing Multicraft on Ubuntu

What’s the difference between a Multicraft server and a Minecraft server? Well, with a Multicraft server, you have the ability to run multiple servers at once with ease....

Counter-Strike Global Offensive Server Launcher On Ubuntu

Those who have experience in setting up dedicated CS:GO (Counter-Strike : Global Offensive) know that the process of using the command line interface to manage...

Creating a Teamspeak 3 Server on Ubuntu 14 64-bit

Overview Whether you are working on a large collaboration project with your development team or killing a boss in the newest role-playing game, you are...

How To Install A Counter-Strike Source Server On Ubuntu

In this tutorial we will be covering the process of installing and running a CS:S Game server. Prerequisites A Aklweb host Instance with 2 GB of RAM and running Ubuntu....

How To Setup Left 4 Dead 2 Server on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup a Left 4 Dead 2 server on Ubuntu. This guide was tested on Ubuntu server 15.10. Prerequisites Update the...

How to Install Killing Floor Server on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup your own Killing Floor server. The commands were written for Ubuntu, but may be adopted to other Linux distributions (such...

How to Install Starbound Server on Ubuntu 16.04

This article is a port of “How To Install Starbound Server on CentOS 7” for Ubuntu 16.04 Prerequisites You need to own this game on...

How to Install Teamspeak 3 Server on Debian 9 Stretch

This article is a port of “How to Install Teamspeak 3 Server on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit” for Debian 9. TeamSpeak is the software you need to...

How to Install Teamspeak 3 Server on Ubuntu 16.04 64-bit

Overview Sick of using Discord/Skype? Tired of not having complete control of your server? Or maybe it’s because of the lack of customizable settings? Too...

How to Install Unturned 2.2.5 on Ubuntu 16.04

This article is a port of “How To Install Unturned on Linux” for Unturned 2.2.5 on Ubuntu 16.04. Introduction In this guide, you will learn...

How to Setup a Minecraft Server on Ubuntu 18.04

Minecraft is still one of the most popular games in the world. If you play the game, you probably play on servers all the time. This...

How to Setup a Tekkit Classic Server on Ubuntu 16.10

What is Tekkit Classic? Tekkit Classic is a modpack for the game everybody knows and loves; Minecraft. It contains some of the very best and most popular mods from...

Install Team Fortress 2 On Ubuntu

This tutorial explains how to install Team Fortress 2 on the Ubuntu operating system. It was performed on Ubuntu 12.04 x86. Other versions of Debian or Ubuntu may...

Installing McMyAdmin on Ubuntu 14.10

McMyAdmin is a Minecraft server control panel used to administrate your server. Although McMyAdmin is free, there are multiple editions, some of which are paid versions. Prerequisites Please...

Setting up Counter Strike: Global Offensive on Debian

In this guide, we will be setting up a Counter Strike: Global Offensive game server on Debian 7. These commands were tested on Debian 7 but...

Setting up Counter Strike: Source on Debian

In this guide, we will be setting up a Counter Strike: Source game server on Debian 7. These commands were tested on Debian 7 but they...

Setup 7 Days to Die Server on Ubuntu 14

In this guide, you will learn how to setup your own “7 Days to Die” server (7D2D) on Ubuntu. Please note that this game is still “early access” and...

Setup PaperSpigot on Ubuntu

PaperSpigot is a high performance fork of Spigot that aims to fix gameplay and mechanics inconsistencies. Paper contains numerous unique features and changes, including many performance improvements not found in Spigot....

Setup Ragnarok Online Server on Ubuntu 14.04 x64

In this article, we are going to setup a Ragnarok Online Server on Ubuntu 14.04 x64. You can be logged in as root or a user...

Setup TeeWorlds server

TeeWorlds is a free and open-source online multiplayer shooter game. In this tutorial, I’m going to explain how to create a TeeWorlds server. These steps were written...

Setup an Insurgency Game Server on Ubuntu 15.04

In this tutorial, we will be setting up an Insurgency game server on Ubuntu 15.04. Before we can setup the Insurgency server, we need to install a few...

Terraria Server with TShock on Linux

Terraria is a MMORPG based on mining, building, and fighting. Some people say its a 2D version of Minecraft, but that wouldn’t do justice to Terraria’s offerings –...

How to Update CentOS 7, Ubuntu 16.04, and Debian 8

When setting up a new Linux server, updating the system’s Kernel and other packages to the latest stable release is a recommended practice. In this article, we will...

Setup File Mirroring Using Rsync in Debian/Ubuntu

Introduction If you run a critical website, it is a good practice to mirror your files to a secondary server. In the event that your...

Setup PPP VPN on Debian/Ubuntu

Install the pptpd package on your VPS with the following command: apt-get install pptpd Configuration Insert new settings to /etc/pptpd.conf and /etc/ppp/pptpd-options by running the following commands: cat >/etc/pptpd.conf <<EOF option...

Installing Golang on Ubuntu 14.04

Golang is a programming language developed by Google that would keep the traditions of C, but focus on simplicity and safety. It has become a popular language used...

Better Monitoring Tools For Ubuntu And CentOS

Introduction Linux systems ship with monitoring tools by default like top, df, and du that help monitor processes and disk space. Often times though, they are not very user/visual friendly. We’ll...

Boost Productivity with Tmux on Ubuntu and CentOS

Introduction Tmux is a terminal multiplexer. It allows you to run and manage several command prompts simultaneously from one tmux session. It is the equivalent...

Boost Productivity with Z and Zsh on Ubuntu

Introduction Working on Linux systems means that one is using the command line more often than not. Having to type long directory names over and...

Enabling root user in Ubuntu

Instructions on how to enable root user in a newly installed Ubuntu server. The root user in Ubuntu is disabled by default because the password...

How to install PLESK on centOS & Ubuntu

Installation This is a guide on how to install PLESK. On centOS, Ubuntu. This command automates the whole process for you. (For centOS users, please make sure...

How-To Install Sentora on CentOS or Ubuntu

If you are looking for a clean and modern web hosting panel but you don’t simply have the funds to pay for one, Sentora is your answer. Sentora...

Install MailCatcher On Ubuntu 14

Introduction MailCatcher is a tool that provides an easy way for developers to inspect emails that their applications send out without having to wait for an...

Install PostgreSQL On Ubuntu 14

Introduction PostgreSQL is the world’s most advanced open source Relational Database Management System (RDBMS). It is ANSI SQL:2008 standards compliant and has most of the data types defined in...

Installing MongoDB on Ubuntu 14.04

MongoDB is one of the leading NoSQL databases that is commonly used in modern web applications. This tutorial will walk you through setting up MongoDB. Please note that...

Installing Node.js and Express on Ubuntu

Powered by the Chrome V8 Engine, Node.js is a popular language used to build fast scalable applications. It has already powered numerous projects including Express. This tutorial will...

Installing Ubuntu Server on Drives Larger Than 2 TB

The following tutorial requires a motherboard that is EFI compatible (most boards since 2012 are EFI compatible). Typically when installing the operating system on a...

Nginx Reverse Proxy with Ghost on Ubuntu 14.04

Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in node.js, completely customizable and dedicated for publishing. Prepare the server: Update packages, Install Node.js and NPM...

Correcting Network Configuration After Snapshot Restore

After restoring a snapshot to a new machine, you may encounter issues caused by the MAC address of the network adapter changing. Usually, when the network adapter...

Enable SSH Login Notification on Linux

Is your Linux server accessed by multiple users? If so, consider adding an SSH login notification whenever someone logs in. The examples below send an email when someone logs into...

Installing OpenVPN on CentOS 7

In today’s society, security and privacy is a problem when you are at public areas like airports, coffee shops, hotels, or any location that offers...

Setup Swap File on Linux

There will be times where you need to increase the responsiveness of your server to prevent out of memory issues. Out of memory issues happen when...

Install Nginx + PHP FPM + Caching + MySQL on Ubuntu 12.04

Archived content Ubuntu 12.04 has reached end-of-life. The steps and commands used in this guide may no longer be relevant to newer versions of Ubuntu....

How To Install WordPress on a LEMP Configuration

Introduction In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install WordPress on a freshly created instance. I’ll demonstrate the installation on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. These...

Install BitTorrent Sync on Ubuntu 14.04

How to Install BitTorrent Sync on AKLWEB HOST Ubuntu 14.04 Instance This article will guide you through the install and setup process for launching a...

Setup Subversion (SVN) Repositories on Debian/Ubuntu

Install required packages We are going run SVN under xinetd for low resource usages. apt-get install xinetd subversion Create svn user adduser --system --home /var/svn --disabled-password --disabled-login...

Setup Nginx Reverse Proxy over Apache on Debian or Ubuntu

Nginx is a lightweight web server that has been proven to serve static files faster than Apache. This tutorial will guide you how to install...

Setup vsFTPd on Debian/Ubuntu

Introduction vsftpd stands for Very Secure FTP Daemon. It’s a lightweight FTP server. This short tutorial explains how to install vsftpd on Debian or Ubuntu....

Install MariaDB on Ubuntu 14.04

Forked from MySQL, MariaDB has been known to be a drop-in replacement that brings enhancements and performance optimizations over MySQL. This tutorial will show you...

Setup MySQL Master-Slave Replication on Debian/Ubuntu

Introduction When you are running a critical website, it is important to make sure that you have at least one redundant backup server. This ensures...

Setup Your Own DNS Server on Debian/Ubuntu

This tutorial explains how to setup a DNS server using Bind9 on Debian or Ubuntu. Throughout the article, substitute accordingly. At the end of the tutorial,...

Installing Node.js From Source on Ubuntu 14.04

Install build tools Several tools will be needed. Run the following command: apt-get install make g++ libssl-dev git Download Node.js source It is recommended to...

Reset MySQL Root Password on Debian/Ubuntu

If you have forgotten your MySQL root password, you can reset it by following the steps in this article. The process is quite simple and...

Automated Install Ghost With Nginx as Reverse Proxy on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Introduction Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in node.js, completely customizable and dedicated for publishing. For a manual install, read this tutorial. The Script...

Setup RethinkDB Cluster On Ubuntu 14

Introduction RethinkDB is a NoSQL database that stores data as JSON documents. It has a super intuitive query language and has features commonly available in...

Setup Sails.js For Development On Ubuntu 14

Introduction Sails.js is a MVC framework for Node.js similar to Ruby on Rails. It makes for developing modern applications very quickly, and is best suited...

How to Set Up a Mail Server Using iRedMail on Ubuntu 16.04

Introduction If you have ever built a mail server from the ground up, you’ll know that it can be a tedious venture. There is another...

Use PHP5-FPM with Apache 2 on Ubuntu 14.04

Introduction Apache is popular web server software that is used by most web hosting providers. PHP5-FPM is a FastCGI implementation for PHP. It is useful...

DMD on Ubuntu 14.04

D, a programming language that is considered a superset of C, is a low-level but highly productive language that allows you to develop many types...

Install DUB on Ubuntu 14.04

In almost every programming language, there is a package manager that makes it easy to build your application along with all your dependencies. DUB, a...

Setup Vibe.d on Ubuntu 14.04

Vibe.d is a web framework written in D, for D programmers to develop web and network applications. One thing that Vibe.d is known for is...

Install Piwik on Ubuntu 14.04

Piwik is an open source analytics software system which can be installed on a server to view traffic of its websites in real time. It...

Installing HHVM and Nginx/Apache on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint

HHVM, or the HipHop Virtual Machine, is a virtual machine for PHP developed by Facebook to improve the performance of PHP applications. Unlike the regular PHP...

Installing HAProxy on Ubuntu 14.04

HAProxy is a network software application that offers high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP network applications. It is suited for high...

Install GUI Environment for Ubuntu

Managing a server exclusively via SSH is a daunting task. Some administrators end up installing VNC for the purpose of having a GUI environment to...

Setup Mumble on Ubuntu

Mumble is a completely free and open source alternative to other voice suites, such as Teamspeak. It runs on Windows, Linux, OS X, and iOS....

Add SSL Termination to HAProxy on Ubuntu 14.04

This article will walk you through setting up SSL termination on HAProxy, for encrypting traffic over HTTPS. We will be using a self-signed SSL certificate...

Install Java 8 on Ubuntu 14.04

This guide assumes you have a brand-new Ubuntu 14.04 VPS from AKLWEB Host, using root. If you aren’t logged in as root, type su -...

Installing Varnish 4 with Apache 2 on Ubuntu 14.04

Apache is popular web server used by most web hosting companies. Varnish cache is an HTTP accelerator and reverse proxy. We can use Varnish with...

Using Screen on Ubuntu 14.04

Screen is an application that allows multiple use of terminal sessions within one window. This allows you to simulate multiple terminal windows where it may...

ZNC Install and Setup on Ubuntu

ZNC is an advanced IRC network bouncer that is left connected all the time so that an IRC client can disconnect or reconnect without losing the chat session....

How to Install Discourse on Ubuntu 14.04

Discourse is a modern, open-source discussion and forum system. Visit the official site for a demo and a breakdown of the current feature set. This tutorial will...

Setup a Non-root User with Sudo Access on Ubuntu

Having only one user, which is root, can be dangerous. So let’s fix that. AKWLEB Host provides us with the freedom to do as we please...

Change Hostname on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, we will assume that the hostname you want is “pluto”. For Ubuntu 12.04 (Precise Pangolin) On your SSH Terminal, type: hostname pluto Using nano,...

How-To Install VNC Desktop on Ubuntu 14.04

This guide will walk you through installing a VNC desktop on Ubuntu 14.04 with the free VNC software, TightVNC. Step 1: Install components We need...

Securing SSH on Ubuntu 14.04

After you create a new server, there are some configuration tweaks that you should make to harden the security of your server. Create a new...

How To Compile squid3 on Ubuntu 12.04

Archived Content Ubuntu 12.04 has reached end-of-life. The steps and commands used in this guide may no longer be relevant to newer versions of Ubuntu....

Setting Up VestaCP Control Panel on Ubuntu 14.04

VestaCP is a simple and easy to use control panel for web hosting, and it is also an alternative for cPanel. This simple guide will...

Setup OpenConnect VPN Server for Cisco AnyConnect on Ubuntu 14.04 x64

OpenConnect server, also known as ocserv, is a VPN server that communicates over SSL. By design, its goal is to become a secure, lightweight, and...

Force Apt-Get to IPv4 or IPv6 on Ubuntu or Debian

Here on AKLWEB Host, we have the option to enable IPv6 on all deployable VPSes. But with this, some programs and commands may prefer one or the other...

Install Node.JS via Node Version Manager on Ubuntu 14.04

Easily install and manage any version of Node.JS using the Node Version Manager (NVM). NVM is similar to Ruby’s RVM, allowing you to install and...

Setup IonCube Loader on Ubuntu 14

What is IonCube? IonCube gives developers the opportunity to protect their code that is written in the PHP programming language. IonCube prevents this code from...

Install Lighttpd and PHP on Ubuntu

Lighttpd is an easy, fast, and flexible web-server that runs on low-resources (CPU/RAM) while running on a small server. In this tutorial, I will show...

Install Lighttpd with PHP5 and MySQL (LLMP Stack) on Ubuntu 14.04

Lighttpd is a popular event-based web server alternative to Nginx. Lighttpd can be used to serve high traffic sites even on a small VPS. Here,...

Setup Ajenti Control Panel on Ubuntu

In this tutorial, you will learn how to add a web interface to your Linux VPS. The instructions here were tested using Ubuntu 12.04. Ajenti...

Beanstalkd and Beanstalk Console on Ubuntu 14

Introduction Beanstalkd is a work queue server that runs time-consuming tasks asynchronously. It comes in very handy if you manage or develop an application (web,...

Configure Uncomplicated Firewall (UFW) on Ubuntu 14.04

Security is crucial when you run your own server. You want to make sure that only authorized users can access your server, configuration, and services....

Setup a PPTP VPN Server on Ubuntu

With a PPTP server, you can setup a VPN server easily. Having a virtual private network is beneficial to both individual users and businesses alike....

Installing Jenkins on Ubuntu

Jenkins is a CI (continuous integration) server. It can be a very handy tool for developers. In this tutorial, I will show you how to...

Installing Gnome/KDE (GUI) on Ubuntu/CentOS

Users who prefer a GUI to manage their server can install Gnome or KDE. These are the the most popular GUIs for Linux. In this...

Installing InfluxDB on Ubuntu 14

Introduction InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database with no external dependencies. Yes, you read the “no external dependencies” part correctly. InfluxDB can make...

Setup Fail2ban Ubuntu x64

Fail2ban is a program that monitors login activity on your server and blocks offending IP addresses. By default, it will block IP addresses for 10 minutes...

Setup Spigot on Ubuntu

Spigot is a modification of the Minecraft server software, CraftBukkit. Spigot optimizes server resource usage, ensuring your players have the best experience and is also...

Using Tango on Ubuntu 14.04

Tango is a micro and pluggable web framework built with Golang. It has powerful routing and flexible route combinations, dependency injection embedded, and allows direct...

Installing Rust on Ubuntu 14.04

Rust, commonly known as Rust-Lang, is a system programming language that is developed by Mozilla and backed by LLVM. Rust is known for preventing program...

Install Jitsi Meet on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS

Jitsi Meet is a free and open-source video conferencing service solution packed with various premium features, such as superior sound quality, high-grade encryption and privacy,...

Install Icecast on Ubuntu 18.04

Introduction Icecast is a popular and flexible solution for streaming audio used primarily for Internet radio stations. It supports Ogg, MP3, Opus and WebM streaming...

How to Install and Configure PHP 7.2 on Ubuntu 18.04

PHP and related packages are the most commonly used components when deploying a web server. In this article, we will learn how to setup PHP...

How to Install Mosquitto MQTT Broker/Server on Ubuntu 16.04

MQTT is a publish/subscribe model based, “lightweight” messaging protocol over TCP/IP for communication between “Internet of Things” devices such as ESP8266, Raspberry Pi, etc. It is...

Install Apache Maven on Ubuntu 18.04

Introduction Apache Maven is a free and open source project management tool used for Java projects. You can easily manage a project’s build, reporting, and...

Install Ruby with RVM on Ubuntu 18.04 and 19.10

Introduction This tutorial explains how to install Ruby, using RVM, on Ubuntu 18.04 and Ubuntu 19.10. Ruby is a popular development language. RVM manages multiple...

Install an FTP Server With ProFTPd on Debian or Ubuntu

In this guide, we will see how to configure an FTP server (ProFTPd) to transfer files between your PC and your server. Prerequisites Installation Update...

Setup Nginx on Ubuntu to Stream Live HLS Video

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is a very robust streaming video protocol implemented by Apple Inc. HLS uses HTTP transactions which traverse firewalls, proxies, and can...