MySQL and MariaDB

How to Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on Ubuntu

LAMP includes Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Ubuntu. This guide was written for Ubuntu 14.04. Step One: Install Apache Apache is a free open source software for...

Setup Percona on Debian 7

MySQL multi-master replication is an excellent feature within MySQL. However, there is only one problem; standard multi-master replication seems to never be as stable as something...

Installing MongoDB on Ubuntu 14.04

MongoDB is one of the leading NoSQL databases that is commonly used in modern web applications. This tutorial will walk you through setting up MongoDB. Please note that...

Install MariaDB on CentOS 7

Forked from MySQL, MariaDB has been known to be a drop-in replacement that brings enhancements and performance optimizations over MySQL. This tutorial will show you how to install MariaDB...

Install MongoDB on CentOS 7

MongoDB is one of the leading NoSQL databases that is commonly used in modern web applications. This tutorial will walk you through setting up MongoDB on CentOS 7. Update...

Install WordPress with Apache, PHP and MySQL (Automated Startup Script)

You can copy and paste the following bash script into the startup script area of the AKLWEB Host Control Panel. It will install all of necessary packages...

Install Nginx + PHP FPM + Caching + MySQL on Ubuntu 12.04

Archived content Ubuntu 12.04 has reached end-of-life. The steps and commands used in this guide may no longer be relevant to newer versions of Ubuntu....

How To Install WordPress on a LEMP Configuration

Introduction In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install WordPress on a freshly created instance. I’ll demonstrate the installation on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. These...

Installing Prosody on Debian 7

Prosody is a XMPP communication server written in LUA. It aims to be easy to set up and configure, and efficient with system resources. Prosody...

Install MariaDB on Ubuntu 14.04

Forked from MySQL, MariaDB has been known to be a drop-in replacement that brings enhancements and performance optimizations over MySQL. This tutorial will show you...

Setup MySQL Master-Slave Replication on Debian/Ubuntu

Introduction When you are running a critical website, it is important to make sure that you have at least one redundant backup server. This ensures...

Reset MySQL Root Password on Debian/Ubuntu

If you have forgotten your MySQL root password, you can reset it by following the steps in this article. The process is quite simple and...

How to Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on CentOS 6

Introduction LAMP is an acronym that stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. This software stack is the most popular open-source solution for the setup...

Install Newer Versions of MongoDB on Debian 7

MongoDB is a fast and powerful NoSQL database. However, Debian repositories update slowly and often contain very old versions of packages. This tutorial explains how...

Install MariaDB 10 on CentOS 6

At the time of writing, MariaDB 10.1 is the development version of MariaDB. It is based on MariaDB 5.5, and includes back-ported features from MySQL...

Using MySQL Views on Debian 7

Introduction MySQL has a great feature known as “views”. Views are stored queries. Think of them as an alias for an otherwise long query. In...

Setup NGINX, PHP-FPM, and MariaDB on Debian 8

This guide will show you how to correctly install and configure an “alternative” LAMP stack on Debian 8 utilizing NGINX, PHP Fast Process Manager, and...

Installing InfluxDB on Ubuntu 14

Introduction InfluxDB is an open-source, distributed, time series database with no external dependencies. Yes, you read the “no external dependencies” part correctly. InfluxDB can make...

Deploy a PHP Application Using Docker-compose

PHP applications are usually composed by a webserver, a relational database system and the language interpreter itself. In this tutorial we will be leveraging a...