Web Servers

Setup Nginx-RTMP on Ubuntu 14.04

RTMP is great for serving live content. When RTMP is paired with FFmpeg, streams can be converted into various qualities. AKLWEB HOST is great for these applications as...

How to Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on Ubuntu

LAMP includes Apache, MySQL, PHP, and Ubuntu. This guide was written for Ubuntu 14.04. Step One: Install Apache Apache is a free open source software for...

Installing Multicraft on Ubuntu

What’s the difference between a Multicraft server and a Minecraft server? Well, with a Multicraft server, you have the ability to run multiple servers at once with ease....

Installing Nginx on FreeBSD

Update/Install FreeBSD Port Tree If this is from a fresh installation (and not a CustomISO), then you will likely need to install the port tree....

Nginx Reverse Proxy with Ghost on Ubuntu 14.04

Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in node.js, completely customizable and dedicated for publishing. Prepare the server: Update packages, Install Node.js and NPM...

Install WordPress with Apache, PHP and MySQL (Automated Startup Script)

You can copy and paste the following bash script into the startup script area of the AKLWEB Host Control Panel. It will install all of necessary packages...

Installing NodeJS and Express on CentOS

This tutorial will show you how to install Node.js and Express.js on CentOS 6 (or CentOS 7). You can use Node.js to build rapid, scalable web apps...

Installing ownCloud 6 on CentOS 6

It provides universal access to your files via the web, your computer or your mobile devices — wherever you are. It also provides a platform to easily view and...

ModSecurity and OWASP on CentOS 6 and Apache 2

ModSecurity is a web application layer firewall designed to work with IIS, Apache2 and Nginx. It is free, open-source software released under the Apache license 2.0. ModSecurity helps to...

Install Nginx + PHP FPM + Caching + MySQL on Ubuntu 12.04

Archived content Ubuntu 12.04 has reached end-of-life. The steps and commands used in this guide may no longer be relevant to newer versions of Ubuntu....

How To Secure Your Nginx-Powered Website Using SSL and Secure Ciphers

Introduction SSL (stands for Secure Sockets Layer) and its successor, TLS (stands for Transport Layer Security) are cryptographic protocols to secure communication over the Internet. It can...

Install ownCloud 7 on CentOS 6 with Nginx w/ SSL, PHP-FPM, and PGSQL (Automated Startup Script)

You can copy and paste the following bash script into the startup script area of the AKLWEB HOST Control Panel. This startup script will install the...

How To Install WordPress on a LEMP Configuration

Introduction In this tutorial, you’ll learn how to install WordPress on a freshly created instance. I’ll demonstrate the installation on an Ubuntu 14.04 server. These...

Setup Nginx Reverse Proxy over Apache on Debian or Ubuntu

Nginx is a lightweight web server that has been proven to serve static files faster than Apache. This tutorial will guide you how to install...

Build Your Own Pkg-Repository With Poudriere

Since version 9.2, FreeBSD has introduced a new tool to replace the old pkg_*-commands – pkg, also known as pkgng. It’s very similar to Debian’s apt or Fedora’s yum but has...

Disabling SSLv3

POODLE (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption) is a vulnerability that was found on October 14th, 2014, which allows an attacker to read any encrypted...

Automated Install Ghost With Nginx as Reverse Proxy on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Introduction Ghost is a free and open source blogging platform written in node.js, completely customizable and dedicated for publishing. For a manual install, read this tutorial. The Script...

Setup LetsEncrypt On Linux

LetsEncrypt is a certificate authority with an automated client. In short, this means that you can secure your websites at no cost. That’s right, you can...

Use PHP5-FPM with Apache 2 on Ubuntu 14.04

Introduction Apache is popular web server software that is used by most web hosting providers. PHP5-FPM is a FastCGI implementation for PHP. It is useful...

Installing HHVM and Nginx/Apache on Ubuntu/Debian/Mint

HHVM, or the HipHop Virtual Machine, is a virtual machine for PHP developed by Facebook to improve the performance of PHP applications. Unlike the regular PHP...

Installing HAProxy on Ubuntu 14.04

HAProxy is a network software application that offers high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP network applications. It is suited for high...

Installing HAProxy 1.7 on Debian 9.1 (Stretch)

HAProxy is a network software application that offers high availability, load balancing, and proxying for TCP and HTTP network applications. It is suited for high...

Nginx Reverse Proxy and Golang Setup on FreeBSD

Requirements Basic knowledge of UNIX. FreeBSD x64 with Nginx installed. Install Tools You will need several programs that are not shipped with FreeBSD. Run the...

How to Install Apache, MySQL, and PHP on CentOS 6

Introduction LAMP is an acronym that stands for Linux, Apache, MySQL, and PHP. This software stack is the most popular open-source solution for the setup...

Add SSL Termination to HAProxy on Ubuntu 14.04

This article will walk you through setting up SSL termination on HAProxy, for encrypting traffic over HTTPS. We will be using a self-signed SSL certificate...

Installing Varnish 4 with Apache 2 on Ubuntu 14.04

Apache is popular web server used by most web hosting companies. Varnish cache is an HTTP accelerator and reverse proxy. We can use Varnish with...

Setup httpd in OpenBSD

Introduction OpenBSD 5.6 introduced a new daemon called httpd, which supports CGI (via FastCGI) and TLS. No additional work is needed to install the new...

Install Hiawatha Web Server with PHP-FPM and MySQL on Debian

Hiawatha is a web server that has simplicity, ease of use, and security in mind. It’s the perfect solution for smaller servers, older hardware, or...

Nginx, PHP-FPM and MySQL setup on OpenBSD 5.6

OpenBSD is mostly used in firewall implementations, however, many people around the world are using OpenBSD as a web server. This includes programmers and sysadmins....

Install MediaWiki on the One-Click LEMP Application

Introduction MediaWiki is a popular open-source wiki software package. In this article, we will show you how to install MediaWiki on a AKLWEB Host server...

Setup SNI Proxy on Debian 7 x64

SNI Proxy can proxy both incoming HTTP and TLS connections based on the hostname that is contained within the initial request of that TCP session....

Setup IonCube Loader on Ubuntu 14

What is IonCube? IonCube gives developers the opportunity to protect their code that is written in the PHP programming language. IonCube prevents this code from...

Install Lighttpd and PHP on Ubuntu

Lighttpd is an easy, fast, and flexible web-server that runs on low-resources (CPU/RAM) while running on a small server. In this tutorial, I will show...

Install Lighttpd with PHP5 and MySQL (LLMP Stack) on Ubuntu 14.04

Lighttpd is a popular event-based web server alternative to Nginx. Lighttpd can be used to serve high traffic sites even on a small VPS. Here,...

Apache Virtual Hosts on Ubuntu 14.04 LTS

Apache is divided into units that can be customized and configured individually. These sections are called virtual hosts. Virtual hosts allow the administrator to use...

Setup NGINX, PHP-FPM, and MariaDB on Debian 8

This guide will show you how to correctly install and configure an “alternative” LAMP stack on Debian 8 utilizing NGINX, PHP Fast Process Manager, and...

Setting up IIS on Windows Server

IIS is a web server created by Microsoft. IIS is compatible with Windows Server – that means that you can simply add it as a...

How To Setup Apache on Windows Server

This tutorial will show you how to run the Apache HTTP server on Windows Server. Running an HTTP server will allow you to host a...

How to Install and Configure PHP 7.2 on Ubuntu 18.04

PHP and related packages are the most commonly used components when deploying a web server. In this article, we will learn how to setup PHP...

How to Install Apache Tomcat 8 on CentOS 7

Apache Tomcat is an open-source web server that is designed to serve Java web pages. It is widely deployed and powers various mission-critical web applications...

How to Setup ionCube Loader on CentOS 7

Most commercial PHP applications require ionCube Loader, a PHP plugin that enables a web server to run PHP files that have been encoded using ionCube...

Deploy a PHP Application Using Docker-compose

PHP applications are usually composed by a webserver, a relational database system and the language interpreter itself. In this tutorial we will be leveraging a...

Setup Nginx on Ubuntu to Stream Live HLS Video

HTTP Live Streaming (HLS) is a very robust streaming video protocol implemented by Apple Inc. HLS uses HTTP transactions which traverse firewalls, proxies, and can...